Mar 2, 2023Liked by James Scott Henson

Looking at this idea from a societal standpoint, the Jewish mystic/rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Some are guilty. All are responsible.” While he lived and worked in the context of the Holocaust and its legacy, I think of that quote when some (many) White people in the USA proclaim that because their own ancestors didn’t own slaves, they themselves have no responsibility for helping to alleviate the injustices inherent in the effects of systemic racism. (Heschel also worked with MLK on anti-racism efforts in the 1960s.) I think you’re talking about the same concept on an individual personal level, and I wholeheartedly agree, James.

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I hadn't thought of this on a collective level - you are spot on there! It really is strange how many things we allow to harm all of us because we don't want to acknowledge/don't feel any sort of responsibility for them because they are not our "fault".

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